Sardina likes the Modern too

To keep my camera shelf happy I took La Sardina to the Modern Museum in Fort Worth (Diana previously visited). I still can't get any of the shots I take inside to turn out except for a few light installation works but I keep trying!

12 commentaires

  1. hxloon
    hxloon ·

    This is very cool.

  2. kibs
    kibs ·

    @hxloon Thank you :)

  3. onkel-m
    onkel-m ·

    Very nice perspective !

  4. kibs
    kibs ·

    @onkel-m thanks! It's a huge piece and I wanted to get as much of it in the pic as I could :)

  5. avola
    avola ·

    very nice!!

  6. kibs
    kibs ·

    @avola thank you! And thank you for the generous likes :)

  7. sebastianbae
    sebastianbae ·

    i want this in my house!!! please ask them for a price. i will send them a cheque. haha

  8. kibs
    kibs ·

    @sebastianbae I'll get the price for ya the next time I'm there ;)

  9. sebastianbae
    sebastianbae ·

    tell them that my suggested price is around $200

  10. af-capture
    af-capture ·


  11. kibs
    kibs ·

    @af-capture thanks for the likes and nice comment :)

  12. markvnathan
    markvnathan ·

    This is great stuff!

Plus de photo par kibs