13 commentaires

  1. chourique
    chourique ·

    she had eaten a lemon

  2. cryboy
    cryboy ·

    @chourique @atria007 had eaten a bocadillo with lemon :P

  3. atria007
    atria007 ·

    @chourique yeahhh always lemon =P hahahahahahaha @cryboy love itttt bocadillo time hahaha

  4. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    haha! Great face @atria007. Great photo in general - the colors, the background, everything.

  5. atria007
    atria007 ·

    @mafiosa hihihihhihi

  6. dida
    dida ·


  7. grazie
    grazie ·

    haha why the expression??? @atria007 ;)

  8. atria007
    atria007 ·

    @grazie i dont sure now...i think that was for the sun...but i was finish eating a bocadillo and u know me when i finish to eat..hahahaha

  9. realrampage
    realrampage ·

    and after that there is that www.lomography.com/homes/cryboy/albums/1949157-atria007-met… ;) @atria007

  10. cryboy
    cryboy ·

    @realrampage siiiiiiiiiiiiiii it's true ah aha a :D

  11. atria007
    atria007 ·

    @realrampage hahahahahahah merde!!!!!! merdeeee merdeeeee!!!! i hate u cher!!!! hahahahhah <3<3<3<3

  12. minilidia
    minilidia ·

    My beautiful girl @atria007

  13. atria007
    atria007 ·

    @minilidia ure my beautifulll girllll <3
    @cryboy huahuaauahuah happy comment day =PPPPP hahahha

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