Shots taken while staying at the Ace Hotel which has an amazing view of The Empire State building

6 commentaires

  1. herbert-4
    herbert-4 ·

    Wonderful album!!

  2. koduckgirl
    koduckgirl ·

    thanx @herbert-4 and @biciclettaverde for checkin it out and all the likes!!!

  3. bravopires
    bravopires ·

    Love this album! You are my favourite photographer for NYC with all your excellent albuns about!!!

  4. koduckgirl
    koduckgirl ·

    omg @bravopires that is an amazing encouraging compliment!!! thanx NYC is my fave place to shoot

  5. kibs
    kibs ·

    Love this New York series!

  6. cycliste
    cycliste ·

    Very nice album!

Plus de photo par koduckgirl