Pentax ME Super with M42-Adapter - Kodacolor 100 exp. (date unknown)

9 commentaires

  1. friwi49
    friwi49 ·


  2. sadoo
    sadoo ·

    Gorgeous, gorgeous!

  3. hobbylinse
    hobbylinse ·

    @sadoo Thank you! Those were the first rays of sunshine after a rain.

  4. hobbylinse
    hobbylinse ·

    @friwi49 Dankeschön! Ich hatte Glück, da kam eben die Sonne wieder zum Vorschein...

  5. sadoo
    sadoo ·

    @hobbylinse beautiful catch!

  6. dinazawa
    dinazawa ·

    nearly gasped.. made me stop for a moment! love the colors

  7. hobbylinse
    hobbylinse ·

    @dinazawa Thank you, I am very happy to hear your thoughts. It was a really beautiful moment when the sun began to shine through the rain clouds. :-)

  8. gmbernsteing
    gmbernsteing ·

    Beautiful! At first, I thought it was cross-processed slide film.

  9. hobbylinse
    hobbylinse ·

    @gmbernsteing Thank you! Yes, that's almost what it looks like. But in reality it was a really special moment - the first sunlight after a short and heavy rain. I was glad I had a camera with me. 😊📷

Plus de photo par hobbylinse