Hi! I'm Le Besognier
I admire the era between 1900 to 1965 including famous people, clothing, music, cars and on...
One of my favourite swiss citizen is Le Corbusier
Trending Newcomer of August 2015
My cameras are:
Konica C35V
Konica Autoreflex TC
Olympus OM10
Canon epoca
Voigtländer Vito B
ZEISS IKON Contaflex prima
Rolleiflex Automat 6x6 - Model K4A
Rollei 35
Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.
-James Dean
Mes photos Mes Albums Mes Likes
Mes Albums
Album : Ilford HP5 Plus/ Rollei 35/ Baden; Rheinfelden; Muttenz; Thun; Zürich, Switzerland
partagé par lebesognier le 2019-04-21 · 27 Photos -
Album : Ilford HP5 Plus/ ZEISS IKON Contafelx prima/ Morschach; Lugano, Switzerland/ Milano; Ischia, Italia
partagé par lebesognier le 2018-09-25 · 33 Photos -
Album : Fujifilm Superia 200 / Olympus OM10 / Bellinzona; Morschach, Switzerland/ Milano; Napoli, Italia
partagé par lebesognier le 2018-09-07 · 20 Photos -
Album : Kodak 200 Gold/ Konica Autoreflex TC / Lugano, Switzerland/ Milano, Italia
partagé par lebesognier le 2018-08-27 · 38 Photos -
Album : Kodak Gold MAX/Ultra 400/OLYMPUS OM10/ Ischia (Campania), Italia
partagé par lebesognier le 2018-07-28 · 31 Photos -
Album : Kodak ColourPlus 200/ Canon Epoca / London, United Kingdom
partagé par lebesognier le 2018-05-21 · 31 Photos
Mes Métas
- Tags:
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- Kampanien
- May2017
- aargau
- autumn
- autunno
- basel
- bern
- bärn
- campania
- davos
- deutschland
- england
- estate
- friends
- gb
- germany
- gottardo
- gotthard
- herbst
- ischia
- italia
- italien
- italy
- lebesognier
- london
- mailand
- milano
- newyork
- niederwil
- rollei35
- rolleiflex
- schweiz
- schwiiz
- snow
- stadtrundfahrt
- suisse
- summer
- svizra
- svizzera
- switzerland
- tessin
- ticino
- uk
- uri
- winter
- zeissikon
- zürich
- Cameras:
- Canon Epoca
- Konica Autoreflex TC
- Konica C35V
- Olympus OM-10
- Rollei 35
- Rolleiflex Automat 6x6 - Model K4A
- Voigtländer Vito B
- ZEISS IKON Contaflex prima
- Films:
- Agfa CT Precisa 100 (35mm)
- FUJIFILM Superia X-TRA 200
- Fuji Superia 200 (35mm)
- Fujifilm Fujicolor Superia 200
- Fujifilm Superia X-TRA 400
- Ilford Delta 100 (120mm)
- Ilford HP5 Plus 400
- Kodak 100TMX
- Kodak 400 TMAX
- Kodak Color Plus 200 (35mm)
- Kodak Gold 200 (35mm)
- Kodak Ultramax 400 (35mm)
- Lomography Color Negative 100
- Lomography Color Negative 100 (120)
- Lomography Color Negative 400 (35mm)