Millingerwaard- sunny edition II

Last weekend I went the beautiful Millingerwaard to see how it looked on a sunny day. When we got there a hail- storm started, but luckily after 10 minutes the sun came back. With this roll I discovered the differnece between the sunny- and the cludy-setting on my camera. I thought that the differnece was a different f-setting , but it turns out that in the sunny setting a yellow lensfilter is used. You can clearly see the difference in the colour of the pictures.

Photographe :
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Tags :
50 agfa clack green landscape millingerwaard nature ohpleasedontgo trees velvia xpro
Appareil :
Agfa Clack
Pellicule :
Fuji Velvia 50
Ville :
Millingen aan de Rijn
Pays/région :
Année :
Temps :
Albums :
Clack- Velvia 50

7 commentaires

  1. clickiemcpete
    clickiemcpete ·

    The yellow filter was to increase the contrast since they assumed you were shooting b&w film when this camera was made. Love the effect on the color film!

  2. ohpleasedontgo
    ohpleasedontgo ·

    @clickiemcpete: ahh, that makes sense :) never thought about that! And yeah, the effect on colour film is great. I guess it's also the yellow filter that makes the colours of the redscale so great...

  3. ohpleasedontgo
    ohpleasedontgo ·

    @clickiemcpete: ahh, that makes sense :) never thought about that! And yeah, the effect on colour film is great. I guess it's also the yellow filter that makes the colours of the redscale so great...

  4. lazybuddha
    lazybuddha ·

    Love it.

  5. lilithmoon
    lilithmoon ·

    Lovely album! ^^

  6. volker-jp
    volker-jp ·


  7. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    So pretty!

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