A song about summer.

Siberia. Summer. Flower. Bumblebee. The bumblebee sings its old song about the short summer to every Mallow flower. #Siberia #Summer #Garden #Mallow #Flowers #bumblebee

3 commentaires

  1. lostdata
    lostdata ·

    We call them “cockscomb flower” in my hometown :)

  2. nudels
    nudels ·


  3. awa-awa
    awa-awa ·

    @lostdata @nudels
    Dear LOSTDATA.
    Dear NUDELS.
    Thank you for your attention, opinion and appreciation.
    If you could hear the old bumblebee song ...
    I checked the name of this flower in the enceclopedia.
    "The word "mallow" is derived from Old English "mealwe", which was imported from Latin "malva", cognate with Ancient Greek μαλάχη (malakhē) meaning "mallow", both perhaps reflecting a Mediterranean term."

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