Citroen Graveyard

On the way to Riaza, after leaving Torrelaguna in the Sierra Norte of Madrid, there is a spectacular collection of ancient Citroen cars, left rotting on a plot of waste ground next to the road like a modern-day elephants' graveyard. These photos were taken on a road trip from Madrid to Santo Domingo de Silos earlier this summer (2024). I took them on a second hand Minolta SRT 303b which, unfortunately, had a serious fault - the mirror mechanism didn't manage to retract the curtain properly when the shutter was actuated, meaning the bottom third of almost all the shots I took on three 36-exposure films was unexposed. The fault got less frequent towards the end of the third film, but nonetheless I took the camera back to the shop and they are repairing it under guarantee - and they've lent me one of the technicians' personal SRT 101 in the meantime to work with. How good is that service? I've cropped the photos down from all three films, which unfortunately in a lot of cases, means I've lost the compositions I was seeking, but I hope you enjoy the photos anyway.

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